Thursday, November 29, 2012

Paper piecing for Christmas

I made this beautiful little star this morning from a free pattern I'd found on-line for a Christmas ornament. I'd intended to make the ornament for one of the women who cares for my father at the Alzheimer's care facility where he lives now. She's a quilter too and I know she'll love it.
I guess I had a different idea of what an "ornament" would be than the pattern's author (or I misunderstood the directions!) because it measures 8 inches square. So I think I'll head to the local craft store after lunch to see if I can get the stuffing or form I'd need to make it into a pillow. Pillow, Ornament, what's the difference? It's the thought that counts!


  1. Very pretty. I see that paper piecing can get some exact points but then I wonder about quilting the finished block through all those additional seems.

  2. Very very pretty!!
    I love paper piercing..
